Wisdom Circle — May 25, 2020

The first step in recovering a sense of sacred purpose is to get quiet and to listen to the cry for help that comes from our souls.  If we can learn to listen, we will hear a call, an invitation to meaning and purpose. We will discover a way to freedom that is both personal and systemic, part of the great liberation story for all of creation.

                                    The Call to the Soul  — Marjory Bankson

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Wisdom Circle — asking for a favor . . .

Hi, friends — this is Abbie writing to ask for a favor.

Beth, Judy, Marsha and Martha have served as our editors since early January and at my request they have continued to help pull together our weekly postings for an additional few months.  So, it is now time to find a new set of editors.  The good news is we have several postings all ready to through mid-June.  So our new “crew” will have plenty of time to gather (remotely, of course) as they prepare for the summer’s words and pictures of wisdom.

Please consider joining with me in this fun (yes, fun!) and rewarding mission.  I promise to make it as easy as possible (no additional computer skills necessary!)  I can assure you that no one who volunteered has ever regretted it — in fact many of our editors have re-upped because they enjoyed it so much.

Please send me an email at abbiehattauer@gmail.com if you want to volunteer or if you have any questions. I look forward to working with YOU!

With love and gratitude,
