Message from Gail Kelley

Thank you, Wisdom Circle, for your interest in helping me with food donations for Rev. Dawkins Community Center and church.  The menu is simple and filling.  The Saturday School kids and Tech student tutors will receive all the makings for “Build Your Own Nachos.”  The church will receive chili, red rice and tortillas.  Approximately 200 are fed through the church and 50 through Saturday School.

Donations can be brought to church on Sunday or Monday.  We can make arrangements for a time for me pick up at your house as well.

You may not find equal sizes at your grocery store.  I shop at Buford Farmer’s Market when I am cooking for a crowd.  The size can you find in your Publix or Kroger will be fine.  Store brands are great.

Bags of corn chips.
Large cans of Kidney Beans, 6 pounds
Large cans of Small White Beans, 3 pounds
Quart Boxes of Beef Stock or Broth
Cans of Tomato Sauce or Puree, Publix Brand 29 oz
Cans of Diced Tomatoes, Public Brand 26oz
Cans of green Peas ( Red Rice)
Cans of Corn (Red Rice) packed in water not creamed

Again, many thanks for your willingness to help.  Gail Kelley

Wisdom Circle — September 2, 2019

Reminder:  No Wisdom Circle today, but here are our “Opening Acclamation” and “Closing Prayer” for those of you who have asked for copies.


Spirit of stillness, be with us as we enter the silence where you wait for us.  (Pause)

Spirit of holiness, live in us as we move away from the pressure and strain of our daily lives, to enter the silence which is your gift to us. (Pause)

Spirit of quiet, help us to listen.


Let us go forth from this place and be kind. 

Everyone here, in one way or another, carries something heavy. 

Help us to love mercy, practice forgiveness, be gentle

with ourselves and show God’s unconditional love

and acceptance to everyone we meet. 


 Rev. Dr. E. Gene Bennett (Edited slightly by Abbie Hattauer)