Wisdom Aug 24


Your talent is God’s gift to you.  What you do with it is your gift back to God.

Leo Buscaglia


  1. How lovely to see these two wise & talented friends sharing their joy-full sounds! The summer season is winding down. Today was the last church service at the interdenominational place in the woods. Remind me to tell y’all about the choir at this church ~ talk about joy-full sounds!!! The last hymn was something like “Until We Meet Again” . . . Tears. Some of these folks have been attending these services since they were children and here they sit with their kids & grandkids ~ truly lovely. And everyone will meet again next summer and pick up with these lifelong relationships, with these summer friends. Being a part of this kind of community swells my heart to breaking. So the “shoulder season” begins. And now we have lots of “6 monther” and townie friends ~ so begin pot luck suppers, movie nights (6 girls going to see “Ricky & the Flash” tonite!!) and sweatshirted walks! AND for me, a reconnection with my studio and clay. I am planning a 2 day “retreat” this week to be in the studio when the Muse arrives, ‘ cause I feel her presence coming!

    You will se Bob around soon. He is enrolled at Ga State in “jazz guitar” performance and classes start this week. The long face during his departure tells me he didn’t think about the class schedule . . . His plan is to see how it goes and decide if he wants to pursue seriously or not. I am conflicted : I love that he’s not sitting in a rocking chair or a golf cart ~ but our time here changes . . . just when we were getting into the swing of things here. We will see, huh?! I’ll soldier on here 😉😇.

    Missing each of you and while I’m ready to be in the Circle again, not quite ready to leave either. Wish me and the Muse & lovely Sunny Skies good luck on our retreat! And give Bob some hugs! XO Beth


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