Bits and Bites for the Circle

Every so often there will be the need to communicate to the Wisdom Circle. These posts will be separate from the Sunday Post and will be limited in number and yet, we hope, informative for the group. Here is a listing of topics in this post by Mary Marvin. We hope it is meaningful information for you.

Martha’s Retirement


Filling the Bucket

Emmaus House Pantry

Monday Morning Music

Martha’s Retirement

Thanks to everyone for making the evening a success – it could not have been successful without everyone’s willingness to participate. At the risk of not naming someone – I will name those people who come to my mind – Ann and Alice for presentations and support, Marsha for getting us “on the docket” and all the arrangements regarding the pictures, Andre for taking the pictures and working his magic on adding the Theotokis to the background. MollyO for the wonderful retired reverend cap – Martha looked quite stunning in it.

Everyone was so cooperative in “getting to the church on time” for the picture and then getting into place quickly. That made everything so much easier. I think the pictures came out very well. Sorry for those who were unable to be there but we know – and so does Martha – that you were there in spirit.


The editors are getting up to speed on managing the blog. They attended a training session with Andre and are working together to select meaningful images and quotes. There will be opportunities for everyone to contribute to our circle as an editor and I hope it can be looked at as a great way to get to know familiar faces and learn more about how blogs work.

Filling the Buckets

As you know, the editors are responsible for selecting the images and quotes each week. Martha had a very deep well of resources to choose images and quotes from and it will be a great thing if we can fill the image and quote buckets for current and future editors to review as they are deciding upon the weekly offerings. Here are the guidelines for sending quotes and images for consideration:


Send email to with Quote in the subject line

Limit is one Quote per email – so, if you have more than one Quote, send more than one email – the only exception for more than one Quote in an email is if it is the same Quote with two translations from which the editors might choose

Attribute the Quote to the source if available


Send email to with Image in the subject line

Limit is one Image per email – so, if you have more than one Image, send more than one email – the only exception for more than one Image in your email is if it is the same Image with different angles from which the editors might choose

Attribute the Image to the source if available

Quote and Image

If you think the two should only be considered together then put them in the same email with Quote and Image in the subject line and send to

I hope we get lots of recommendations. The Baptismal Covenant was the point of reference for Martha in her selections and it should be for us as well. Remember, quotes should not be overly long and should be rich fodder for discussion. The editors have the fun of coming up with the weekly post selections.

Emmaus House Pantry

As we discussed during the summer, we are going to “adopt” the Emmaus House Pantry several times a year by bringing items to supply the pantry. October is the month designated for the Emmaus House food drive and we will tag on to this drive and establish a few other times in the year to focus on their pantry. Anne S. will deliver them for us and asks that the boxes or bags be placed at the front desk and clearly marked EMMAUS HOUSE FOOD PANTRY so they don’t get mixed up with the CAC food pantry donations. The list of recommended items follows:

  • Canned foods: vegetables, fruit, beans, soup and meat (chicken, tuna, Vienna sausages, etc.)
  • Boxes of pasta, bags of rice (2 or 3 pound bags are best)
  • Jars of tomato sauce
  • Ramen noodles
  • Boxed cereal, oatmeal, grits
  • Peanut butter, jelly

We were very successful in helping them out over the summer and Emmaus House was so thankful. Some of the group had ideas on how to obtain contributions more economically. The ones I remember are to go to Aldi, Kroger sometimes has 10 for $10 deals, The Dollar Store – or stores like that also carry quality foods at low prices.

This blog is a great way to share your ideas to the rest of the group – especially during the month of October.

Monday Morning Music

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Abbie for your delightful music on Monday mornings. It makes an already special time even more so. For those of you who don’t arrive between 8:30 and 9:00, Abbie serenades us by playing classical guitar. Talk about adding atmosphere – it is divine!